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After 52 years, the issue and debate on abortion is only intensifying, brought on by the US Supreme Courts' June 2022 "Dobbs" decision that overruled their January 1973 "Roe" decision which legalized abortion nationally. 


As independent journalists, we thought it would be a good time to take a look at this issue, going back to the very beginning, to try to see how we got to where we are today.


Before we get started, please note that this website is...


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Are "Later Term" Abortions Really That Rare?


One of the most common claims made by abortion activists, and reported by many news organizations, is that abortion in later term pregnancies are exceedingly rare. Abortion activists say this to deflect the conversation away from the reality that many abortions actually do take place later in pregnancy, which is something the vast majority of people strongly disapprove of.


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