In 2014-2015, the group reported having performed 682,208 cancer screening and prevention services. However, in 2015-2016, Planned Parenthood reports 665,234 of the same services, a drop of 16,974.
Regarding its revenue, the latest annual report shows Planned Parenthood’s total revenue to be $1,354.3 million, an increase over the $1,296.1 million reported in 2014-2015. The organization shows an increase in government reimbursement and grants this year, reporting $554.6 million in taxpayer funding, while in 2014-2015, it reported $553.7 million.
Planned Parenthood reported an “Excess in Revenue Over Expenses” – or a profit – of $58.8 million in 2014-2015. That amount rose to $77.5 million this past year:
“Planned Parenthood promotes itself as an indispensable health care provider and community asset, while downplaying its role as the nation’s largest abortion vendor,” Studnicki said. “This fiction is essential to justifying the half billion dollars in annual taxpayer funding they receive, but their own data paint an entirely different picture.”
Over the course of those years, the tax exempt corporation has grown into a corporate giant with annual income reaching just over $1.6 Billion. For the last reported year, PPFA's Annual Report (2018-2019) indicated that its income has come from three main sources; federal and state tax-payer funds, private contributions and bequests, and income from "Non-Government Health Services Revenue." Those amounts are:
1. Government Health Services Reimbursement and Grants = $616 Million
2. Private Contributions and Bequests = $388 Million
3. Non-Government Health Services Revenue= $369 Million (ABORTIONS SERVICES HERE?)
345,672 Annually by PPFA
88.8.% 1st trimester (304,191 abortions) x $650 = $197,724.150.00
10% 2nd trimester (34,567 abortions) x $1,650 = $57,035.550.00
1.3 % 3rd trimester (4,495 abortions) x $11,500 = $51,692,500.00
TOTAL....(without adding third trimester) ......... $254,759,700.00
TOTAL...(with 3rd trimester) ................................. $306,452,200.00
(question: does PPFA do third trimester abortions?????)
PPFA's annual revenue from doing only abortions is $254,759,700.00 (just over a quarter of a billion dollars). This does not include approximately 1.3% of the general population who have third-trimester abortions each year. We don't see anywhere in PPFA's annual report where they report doing third-trimester abortion, but this information may be left out intentionally since third-trimester abortions are highly controversial and opposed by a vast majority of Americans. If PPFA performed third-trimester abortion poportionately to what the overall rate (1.3%) is for third-trimester abortion across the country, the revenue generated would mean an additional $51 Million, pushing PPFA's total annual abortion income for the years 2018-2019 to $306 Million ($306,452,200.00).
Keep in mind that of the total $1.6 Billion of PPFA's annual 2018-2019 revenue, approximately 1/4, or $388 million, came from private/corporate donations, and bequests. If you look specifically at what PPFA actually earned (worked for) for the 2018-2019 year, the amount of income earned from abortion represents roughly 33% of total income earned (putting aside donations), so it becomes clear that abortion plays a significant role in their income, and it is clear why they have become so aggressive and abortion-minded in all aspects of their actions. When you see these numbers, and then continue to hear someone representing PPFA say that abortion is only 3% of what they do, it rings hollow, but then again, this is just another public deception that PPFA is really getting good at doing. Read more here about just how PPFA tries to deceive the public in other ways when they claim that abortion only represents 3% of what they do.
Legislative, Litigation, Political and Marketing/Public Relations Efforts:
We believe that most people will agree that one of the most controversial aspect of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) and it's state affiliates, is their involvement with abortion. (Note: regarding abortion, we are referring to positions on abortion that most Americans oppose, but more about that later). When we talk about PPFA's "involvement" with abortion, we are referring to PPFA's legislative efforts to eliminate any local and national restrictions to abortion, as well as to expand unlimited access to abortion nationally by opposing and overturning any legislation that the U.S. Congress or state legislators may have been enacted that supported measures to protect unborn human life, especially "late-term" (unborn) babies; litigation efforts to expand abortion "rights" in the courts in city after city across the nation, political efforts (through their political action committee) to endorse only political candidates who support unlimited access to abortion, as well as expanding access to abortion with no restrictions in states across the nation where some meaningful restrictions to abortion already exist, and marketing and public relations efforts to continue to push so-called "Pro-Choice" narratives in favor of unrestricted abortion, especially their current marketing that claims, supposedly that all abortions that are done are done for "health care" reasons. It is important to note that many of their efforts also include advocating for using public tax payer funds to pay for abortion.
At our History of PPFA page, you will better understand how PPFA has transpired from basically an organization that introduced the concept and promotion of birth control, to an organization that now is the leading performer of abortion in the nation. The latest numbers are 345,xxx abortions in 2018, which translates to basically one of every three abortions performed in the nation annually, and it is an extremely profitable business for them a well. PPFA has publically claimed that preforming abortions only represents 3% of their business, but when you better understand how they get to that number, you will see just how manipulative and deceptive PPFA is with their numbers, and with the American people for that matter.
Most people are unaware that PPFA actually used to oppose abortion in the earlier years in which they acknowledged in numerous versions of their own PPFA publications "Plan You Children..." where they stated that "abortion kills the life of an unborn baby, that it is bad for the mothers health, and that it could hurt the mother from having children later in life" (If these claims sound familiar, it is because these are the same statements that so called "pro-life" organizations, who support restrictions to abortion, have been saying for the last 46 years.) You will be able to see this publication for yourself through a link at the "Abortion" page, in addition to much more other information, statistics and charts.
35.2 %
5.7 %
Donovan adds that Planned Parenthood’s commitment to abortion for any reason “is clearly more than ideological.”
“Their market domination would make such giants in their respective industries as General Motors and Samsung envious – but cornering the abortion market is nothing to celebrate,” he states.
The Charlotte Lozier Institute is the education and research arm of the pro-life Susan B. Anthony List (SBA-List).
General Motors, automobile sales – 17.3 percent
Southwest Airlines, domestic air travel – 19.1 percent
Samsung, LCD televisions – 21.6 percent
United Health Group health insurance – 12.3 percent
Walmart, grocery food and beverage chains – 17.3 percent
MetLife Insurance, life insurance – 7.7 percent
Planned Parenthood, abortions – 35.4 percent
Why I won’t stop talking about my abortion: via @cosmopolitan
NPR article: August 5, 2015 5:07 PM ET
Jeb Bush is again in damage-control mode, this time over an offhand remark he made about Planned Parenthood. He said at an event hosted by the Southern Baptist Convention that Planned Parenthood should be defunded, and he highlighted that he did so as governor of Florida.
He then added as an aside, "I'm not sure we need half-a-billion dollars for women's health issues" — a statement Hillary Clinton and other Democrats pounced on, portraying it as a gaffe that reveals that Bush doesn't care about women's health. He has since said he "misspoke."
But Bush's comments raise questions about just how much money Planned Parenthood actually gets, what the group does with it, and whether defunding it would actually save taxpayers money.
Planned Parenthood does receive a half-billion dollars a year from the government. But that's just one data point — here's what you need to know about where that money comes from and where it goes.
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The government is the largest source of Planned Parenthood revenue, according to the group's classification.
How much does the government pay to Planned Parenthood?
Bush is right that Planned Parenthood receives $500 million a year in government funding — or, to be more exact, $528 million last year, according to Planned Parenthood's latest annual report.
That totals more than 40 percent of Planned Parenthood's total $1.3 billion in revenue for the year, which suggests that the organization would be in some heavy financial trouble without that public funding.
What programs are funding that money?
Those public funds come from two programs: Medicaid, the health care program targeted at lower-income Americans, and Title X, a federal family planning program that likewise primarily serves lower-income Americans. The overwhelming majority of federal funding to Planned Parenthood comes from Medicaid — 75 percent, according to a Planned Parenthood spokesman.
Not all of the public funds Planned Parenthood receives are federal spending, however. While Title X is a federal program, Medicaid operates using federal and state funds. States receive a 90 percent federal reimbursement on Medicaid family planning spending, for example. So when Washington politicians talk about "defunding" Planned Parenthood, they generally mean cutting off federal money. States could continue to spend as they please.
How does Planned Parenthood actually use those government dollars?
Abortion is driving the defund-Planned-Parenthood discussion in the wake of undercover videos from the anti-abortion-rights Center for Medical Progress. The group says its videos show Planned Parenthood officials discussing the sale of fetal tissue and have sparked a political firestorm. Planned Parenthood, for its part, says it does not sell fetal tissue and claims these transactions were donations.
Abortions account for 3 percent of Planned Parenthood's services.
However, abortions are actually not a big part of what Planned Parenthood says it does — 3 percent of the services it provided last year were abortion-related, according to the organization's annual report. (For a sense of the scope of that, abortions accounted for about 328,000 of the group's nearly 10.6 million services provided last year.)
However, this 3 percent statistic has many critics, who point out, for example, that it doesn't explain how much of Planned Parenthood's revenue comes from abortion. Others note that the figure counts services provided, not patients served — and some patients receive more than one service from the organization. That means more than 3 percent of patients receive abortions (Politifact this week estimated the figure at around 12 percent, for example).
The overwhelming majority of Planned Parenthood's services involve screening for and treating sexually transmitted diseases and infections, as well as providing contraception.
Who goes to Planned Parenthood?
Title X and Medicaid are programs that target low- to middle-income Americans, and many of Planned Parenthood's patients are likewise lower-income. As of 2012, 79 percent of people receiving services from Planned Parenthood lived at 150 percent of the federal poverty level or lower (that comes out to around $18,500 for a single adult), according to a March Government Accountability Office report.
What does the law say on funding abortions?
Title X does not allow federal funds to be used for abortions. Medicaid, however, doesallow government money to be spent on them — in very restricted cases.
The 1977 Hyde Amendment dictated that federal Medicaid funds could only be used to fund abortions in cases of rape, incest or to protect the life of the mother. However, some states have expanded cases in which they will provide funds. Currently, 17 states allow funds to be used for "medically necessary" abortions. In those cases that these states count as medically necessary but that are not permitted by the federal guidelines, states cover the cost alone.
What would it mean to "defund" Planned Parenthood and would it save taxpayers money?
Efforts to strip Planned Parenthood of public dollars go back decades, as Kaiser Health News' Julie Rovner wrote recently. The most recent attempt, known as S. 1881, would have stripped Planned Parenthood of federal funding and made it "available to other eligible entities to provide women's health care services." Senate Democrats, however, successfully blocked that bill this week.
Defunding the group might cut some spending and accomplish one Republican anti-abortion goal, but it could also backfire, as Congressional Budget Office Director Keith Hall wrote this week in a letter addressing S. 1881.
Though the CBO didn't do a full, formal analysis of the bill, Hall pointed out that while the bill could cut government spending, it could also increase it. While displacing Title X funding from Planned Parenthood to other clinics, the bill could have cut Medicaid spending as some beneficiaries might fail or decide not to seek out family planning services at other clinics. But on the other hand, it could have led to more spending (not to mention more unplanned pregnancies):
"CBO also expects that some of the services that would not be used if S. 1881 was enacted would include those that help women avert pregnancies and deliveries. Reduced use of such services would be expected to lead to additional births, increasing federal spending, primarily for Medicaid. In addition, some of those children would themselves qualify for Medicaid and possibly for other federal programs."
To be clear, the CBO didn't come to a firm conclusion on whether more or less spending is more likely.
However, it's important to remember that these bills could only cut federal funds. States could still spend money to help Medicaid consumers, for example, use Planned Parenthood services.
Of course, without federal reimbursement, it could make those services much more expensive for those states. Abortion-rights advocates also argue that redirecting funding to other clinics could limit lower-income Americans' access to family planning services, as other clinics may not have the capacity to handle the new customers, for example.
Updated Aug. 5, 10:20 p.m. This article was updated with additional information about Planned Parenthood's statistics on the number of abortions it provides.
by Stephen Wynne • • August 3, 2017 19 Comments
Taxpayer-funded giant dominates abortion industry
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WASHINGTON ( - A new study is revealing the extent of Planned Parenthood's dominance over the U.S. abortion industry.
A paper just released by pro-life think tank Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI) shows that in 2015 Planned Parenthood (PP) induced more than one-third (35.4 percent) of all U.S. abortions.
To put that figure into perspective, electronics giant Samsung owns 21.6 percent of the LCD television market, carrier Southwest Airlines occupies 19.1 percent of the domestic air travel market and automotive pioneer General Motors holds 17.3 percent of the automotive sales market.
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Study authors Charles Donovan, CLI president, and Dr. James Studnicki, CLI vice president and director of data analytics, note that PP's penetration of the abortion market is extraordinary.
"The level of market dominance for abortions demonstrated by PP could be taught in business schools as the ultimate example of strategic planning and execution," they write, "It is a defining activity."
"Planned Parenthood," observe Donovan and Studnicki, "is unquestionably and clearly by design, the dominant provider of induced abortions in the U.S." Abortion, they confirm, is the organization's very reason for being.
In their research, the authors examined two of the abortion providers' core claims:
PP is "an irreplaceable component of our country's healthcare system"
PP provides "lifesaving care"
They found that contrary to abortionists' claims, PP is neither "irreplaceable," nor a significant provider of "lifesaving care."
Donovan and Studnicki first examined PP's reach and found that even after years of clinic closures, its capacity is immense with almost 650 facilities across the United States and affiliates in a dozen countries abroad.
According to its most recent annual report, PP's net assets total $1.5 billion and its annual revenue $1.1 billion. For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2016, taxpayer funding totaled some $555 million.
In 2015, PP provided 9.5 million services or "unique clinical actions" for 2.4 million visitors.
Sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing and treatment made up 44.9 percent of services. Of this figure, 99 percent involved testing only with no treatment provided. STI testing is a prerequisite for surgical abortion.
Planned Parenthood's second-largest area of services in terms of volume was (principally abortifacient) contraception.
But cancer screening and prevention — widely-touted whenever taxpayer funding is threatened — totaled just 7 percent of total services. Figures for prenatal services and miscarriage care, meanwhile, were negligible.
From these figures, Donovan and Studnicki determined that PP is replaceable, as it provides a trivial percentage of the United States' total non-abortion services.
From 2011–2016, PP "increased its service-to-unique-client ratios for contraceptive services (+2.1 percent), STD testing (19 percent) and abortions (25 percent)." But in those same five years, "other PP services were deemphasized as shown by the decline in service-to-client ratios for breast exams (-37 percent) and pap tests (-37 percent)."
Abortion represents 3.4 percent of total services, but as a percentage of revenue, they write, it is "a much larger component of the group's work, with estimates ranging from 10 percent of total revenue to as much as one-third of its clinic revenue from all sources."
Donovan and Studnicki conclude that PP could save far more lives simply by closing its doors, rather than through any other service it provides.
There is no question that the most controversial issue for which PPFA is most criticized for, is that they preform more abortions than any other organization in the United States. They are the "800 pound gorilla in the room" when it comes to the total number of abortions performed annually in the country - no other organization comes even close. PPFA reported in their (NAME) issue of (DATE) that the performed 213,33 abortions in 2016 (the last year of reporting available).
What many people may not know is that, in addition to preforming 213,333 abortions annually, is that PPFA is involved in many other activites and efforts in keeping abortion legal. Those activities include:
Litigation: On almost all significant abortion related legal cases in the United States, PPFA is involved. They they also partner with other organizations in presenting cases that will either expand abortion coverage or stop restrictions to abortion. (or use: in keeping abortion legal and accessible with as few restrictions as possible in all 50 states.
, but the fact that PPFA also profits from abortion, make it abhorent that PPFA even tries to "take-the-high-road" on this matter.
Legislation: PPFA has introduced, either on their own, or in conjunction with other legislators and/or organizations, legislation to keep abortion legal, or to remove any restrictions to having abortion.
One legislative bill that PPFA oppossed, out of many, was legislation that was introduced in 2003 called the "Born Alive Infant protection" bill that basically said: (FIND EXACT QUOTE AND INSERT) that if the fetus survives an abortion and is born alive, that the fetus should be given legal protection and all efforts to support the fetus should be made. PPFA opposed that legislation, but the legislation was still able to pass the House, but was later (APPROVED or DEFEATED) in the Senate. The bill passed with 100% US Senate approval, and in the US House of Representatives, the only member that voted in opposition to the bill was, at the time, was Congressman Barack Obama, who later became the President of the United States.
Political Action: PPFA's political action organization "(NAME)" is the leading organization their deep involvement and activities to abortion legal. What efforts and activities PPFA is not allowed to do with government funds, since they receive approximately $500 million annually from the government, mostly in the way of reimbursements for non-abortion services their clinics provide, such as birth control, family planning,
and actiand promotion of abortion, and their efforts, mainly through the political action committee of their "Political Action Fund," in opposing any restrictions on abortion.
PPFA is the largest corporation in the country in providing abortion services, as well as being involved politically, legislatively or through litigation, in keeping abortion legal and accessible with as few restrictions as possible in all 50 states.
Those who favor PPFA say that PPFA provides a host of meaningful services, including providing sex education to youths, birth control, cancer screenings, and yes, abortions. PPFA also reports (SHOW WHERE) that abortion represents only 3% of the services they provide. Learn more about this 3% figure here. (possibly add a little more here).
Those who oppose PPFA say that PPFA is an "abortion giant," performing over 350,000 abortions annually in the country. They say that PPFA should be "defunded" of an estimated $500 Million it receives annually in government funding because of PPFA's involvement with abortion, and more recently, the alleged illegal selling of human body parts taken from (previously living) aborted (human) fetuses. Some people also oppose PPFA's sex education programs, due to what opponents say actually encourages youths and teens to experiment and engage in sex. They say that PPFA tells youths that it is okay to be sexually active if they feel ready to have sex, but parents say that they, and not PPFA, should be responsible in forming their values to their children and educating them in such matters.
Percent of women who are referred for abortion from Planned Parenthood versus "other" clinics.
"Other" clinics Planned Parenthood
Percent of pregnant women who are referred for abortion by Planned Parenthood versus "other" family planning clinics.
Percent of women who are referred for abortion by Planned Parenthood versus "other" family planning clinics.
DILLER & WALKER: Quietly racking up the abortion toll
Planned Parenthood's business model depends on delivering death
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By Rita Diller and Katie Walker - The Washington Times - Tuesday, September 28, 2010
While Planned Parenthood continues to sit on its annual report for 2008-2009, new documents found hidden on its labyrinthine website give taxpayers an insider’s look into the beleaguered abortion monopoly it is helping fund.
The numbers paint the grisly picture of an organization beset by financial problems yet determined to increase income by killing more preborn human beings.
But that’s not the surprising part. The shocking thing about these numbers is that they are finally dispelling the ubiquitous Planned Parenthood lie that the organization is about something other than abortion.
Planned Parenthood’s own numbers dispel the myths:
Myth 1: Planned Parenthood offers “choices”to women. While Planned Parenthood claims it is all about “choice,”a look at its maternity-related services to pregnant women paints a horrific picture of death and destruction inside the innocuous-looking facilities found in nearly every major American city.
The 2008 service figures show that 96.5 percent of pregnant women who received maternity-related “services” from Planned Parenthood aborted their children, with only 3.5 percent receiving prenatal care or adoption referrals.
So much for “choices.”
Myth 2: Planned Parenthood is working to reduce abortions. While many Americans continue to believe the urban legend that Planned Parenthood is in the business of reducing abortions through birth control and sex education, the numbers tell a different story.
The year 2008 marked the 26th consecutive year Planned Parenthood increased its share of the U.S. abortion market, by performing 324,008 abortions. All told, Planned Parenthood affiliates brought in an estimated $152,283,760 via its abortion business.
Another disturbing trend is Planned Parenthood’s uncanny ability to monopolize and profit off a “service” on the decline. Nationwide, abortion numbers fell dramatically in the 1990s and into the beginning of the millennium. But while national rates were going down, Planned Parenthood managed to more than triple its share of the market. In 1990, Planned Parenthood performed 8 percent of U.S. abortions. By 2008, its share of the abortion market had catapulted to 26.8 percent.
Myth 3: Abortion is only 3 percent of Planned Parenthood services. Knowing that community support and government funding will evaporate if the American people understand the truth, Planned Parenthood has been aggressive in marketing the oft-quoted notion that abortion is only 3 percent of what it does.
Pencils ready? Planned Parenthood arrives at 3 percent by dividing its total number of abortions by its total number of “services.” For 2008, that would be 324,008 divided by 10,940,609.
To illustrate the absurdity of such a statistic, note that if Planned Parenthood hands out 97 condoms, it could count that as 97 “services.” Then it does three abortions and claims that, because it also handed out 97 condoms, abortion is 3 percent of its business. This statistic is specifically designed to lead the American people and the legislators who continue to give government money to Planned Parenthood to believe that a very small portion of Planned Parenthood’s business is abortion-related.
A better way to illustrate Planned Parenthood’s abortion-centered business model would be to see what percentage of its total clinic income is attributable to abortion. When we do the math, we see that Planned Parenthood’s estimated $152,283,760 abortion income in 2008 amounts to 40.6 percent of its 2007-2008 clinic income.
Here is an invitation to Planned Parenthood: Please prove us wrong. While Planned Parenthood cannot argue with the facts stated above, one way to dispel the many theories surrounding Planned Parenthood’s failure to produce its annual report would be for it to actually release the report.
In the last five years, Planned Parenthood has been rocked by internal and external scandals. It has seen dedicated pro-life groups release tape recordings and videos shedding light on what really happens in its facilities. It is facing fraud and child-abuse allegations. It has seen the black community raise a loud voice against its operations because of its racist roots and current practices.
And while the organization’s own statistics prove that Planned Parenthood’s abortion numbers are rising, one of the most credible theories surrounding the group’s refusal to release the annual report says that Planned Parenthood is in a tight financial bind and doesn’t want word to get out. As Planned Parenthood has already seen three affiliates - in South Palm Beach, Fla.; El Paso, Texas; and San Francisco - collapse owing to financial issues, this makes sense.
One of the ways to make up for financial shortfalls, according to former Planned Parenthood facility director Abby Johnson, is to increase abortion income - its most lucrative “service.”
For Planned Parenthood, increasing abortions is simply a good business move - a cold-blooded, calculated business move. This becomes horribly macabre when one stops to consider what abortion is - the intentional killing of a preborn human being.
Rita Diller is the national director of American Life League’s Stop Planned Parenthood project and Katie Walker is American Life League’s communications director.
Copyright © 2019 The Washington Times, LLC. Click here for reprint permission.
In the September/October 1991 issue of "New Dimensions" Magazine, they reported that when the U.S. Government's General Accounting Office (GOA) audited federally funded family planning clinics back in the early 1980's, it discovered something very unusual. Planned Parenthood clinics referred pregnant women and girls to have an abortion far more frequently (35.2 percent of the time) than did the other clinics surveyed (5.7 percent on average). One particular Planned Parenthood clinic was found to refer 86.4 percent of the pregnant women they saw for abortion. Though we have yet to verify these numbers, if accurate, it would almost match the percentage of women and girls that end up getting abortions at Planned Parenthood today when compared to the number of pregnancy tests that they administered that same year, 2016-2017.
PP can only refer for abortion if a woman or girl is found to be pregnant, so looking at many of the other services PP provides is irrelevant when it comes to the
...the very reason more than a million women and girls had pregnancy tests at PP.
In Planned Parenthood's latest annual report (2016 - 2017), they report that they provided 1,071,642 pregnancy tests. They also reported performing 321,384 abortions. The rate of women and girls that had a pregnancy test and ended up having an abortion is 33.3 percent, almost matching the 35.2 percent reported as far back as the early 1980's.
Perhaps the best way to demonstrate PP's involvement (and some would say, promotion) of abortion is by simply comparing the number of pregnancy tests they provide each year and how many of those women and gilrs end up having an abortion.
A more telling way of showing PP's ...accurate way of describing Planned parenthood "involvement" with abortion is by simply comparing the number of pregnancy tests they propvide each year by the number of women and girls that end up getting abortions at Planned parenthood. abortions they end up.
But something doesn't sound right here. According to PP, they say that they are simply offering pregnant women and girls "unbiased, accurate, and complete information" about their options, but the rate of women who end up getting an abortion after receiving a pregnancy test at pp is approximately 450% higher than the general rate of all other family planning facilities in the country. To understand this contracdition, one must realize that there are, in perception (reality), two completely different Planned Parenthoods.
One is the public relations PP created by brilliant marketing professionals. When you are a $1.6 Billion empire, you have unlimited resources available to help craft your perception with the public. (page 15 of Abortion, Inc.)
For Immediate Release: Aug. 19, 2019
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Thank you, Erica. Thank you to Governor Pritzker, Lilliana, Jessica, and Anne-Marie for joining us on this call today.
Today, we are announcing that due to an unethical and dangerous gag rule, the Trump administration has forced Planned Parenthood grantees out of Title X—the nation’s program for affordable birth control and reproductive health care.
Our affiliate grantees will be submitting letters saying as much to HHS today.
Planned Parenthood is still open. Our doors are open today, and our doors will be open tomorrow.
We are continuing to fight this rule in court, and will do everything we can to make sure our patients don’t lose care.
I want our patients to know: while the Trump administration may have given up on you, we never will.
But let’s be clear: the impact of the Trump administration's gag rule will reverberate across the country.
The Title X program is designed to help bring access to birth control, cancer screenings, STD testing and more to those who otherwise can’t afford it.
For too many people struggling to make ends meet—including those people in rural areas and communities of color—this gag rule may mean they delay or go without care.
We believe that the Trump administration is doing this as an attack on reproductive health care and to keep providers like Planned Parenthood from serving our patients.
And it’s not just Planned Parenthood that will be forced out of Title X by this gag rule.
Already seven states—one of which are on this call today—and a number of other providers have all made clear that they also will not comply with this unethical rule.
Our patients come to us because they expect the best information and health care available. And we have a commitment to provide that to them.
But the gag rule would make it impossible for us to uphold that commitment.
At Planned Parenthood, we refuse to cower to the Trump-Pence administration.
We will not be bullied into withholding abortion information from our patients.
Our patients deserve to make their own health care decisions, not to be forced to have Donald Trump or Mike Pence make those decisions for them.
For nearly half a century, Title X has ensured that those struggling to make ends meet or who don’t have health insurance can access services like birth control, cancer screenings, and STD testing and treatment in their communities.
Planned Parenthood health centers have been a part of the program since its inception nearly 50 years ago. We are its largest provider, serving approximately 40 percent of its patients.
The Trump administration would have you believe that this gag rule will make no difference in people’s lives—but we know it will.
The Trump administration would have you believe that places like Obria—a network of anti-abortion counseling centers which received a $1.7 million Title X grant this year—can provide the same level of care as Planned Parenthood health centers.
But do you know what Obria does not provide? Contraception.
This means patients who go to Obria seeking birth control will not be able to access methods like the pill, an IUD, and emergency contraception.
In places like Utah, where Planned Parenthood is the only Title X grantee—or Minnesota, where Planned Parenthood serves 90 percent of the Title X patients—it will simply be impossible for other health centers to fill the gap.
Wait times for appointments will skyrocket, and people will delay or go without care.
We already see women having to drive impossible distances to access abortion.
This gag rule could mean that we now will see women driving hundreds of miles just to find a provider who can help them access birth control such as an IUD.
That is why we need Congress to act—and to do so now.
The House has already passed a spending bill that would block the gag rule.
Now, the Senate must push for a spending bill that does the same.
Our supporters are already making their voices heard—telling their members of Congress to stand with Planned Parenthood and protect Title X.
Our country already suffers from a massive divide between those who can and who cannot access the health care they need.
This is the time for all who believe that a person’s zip code and income should not determine one’s access to health care to raise their voices.
Planned Parenthood is the nation’s leading provider and advocate of high-quality, affordable health care for women, men, and young people, as well as the nation’s largest provider of sex education. With more than 600 health centers across the country, Planned Parenthood organizations serve all patients with care and compassion, with respect and without judgment. Through health centers, programs in schools and communities, and online resources, Planned Parenthood is a trusted source of reliable health information that allows people to make informed health decisions. We do all this because we care passionately about helping people lead healthier lives
The Morality of Abortion
Asked about the morality of abortion in general, Americans are evenly divided: 42% told Gallup in a May 2001 survey that abortion is morally acceptable while 45% answered that it is morally wrong.
Asked whether abortion is murder, slightly differently worded questions have produced slightly different rates of agreement, ranging between 45% and 57%. Questions that ask whether abortion is an "act of murder" tend to produce answers that are slightly lower than those that simply ask whether abortion is murder.
Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Abortion is murder.
Los Angeles Times, June 2000: 57% agree; 36% disagree
Which of these statements comes closer to your opinion: Abortion is the same thing as murdering a child, or abortion is not murder because the fetus really isn't a child?
CBS/New York Times, January 1998: 50% murder; 38% not murder
Do you think abortion is an act of murder, or don't you feel this way?
CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll, January 1998: 48% murder and 45% don't feel this way
What is your view -- do you think abortion is an act of murder, or don't you feel this way? Time/CNN, August 1994: 43% murder; 47% don't feel this way
A unique question asked by the Center for Survey Research at the University of Virginia explored Americans' feelings about abortion as murder in greater detail. Given four categories to choose from, a combined 48% indicate abortion is murder while 42% say it is not murder -- very similar to the Gallup's 1998 findings. However, as can be seen, about one-fifth of those who consider abortion murder make a distinction between abortion and killing a person who is already born. On the other side, two-thirds of those who do not consider abortion murder nevertheless perceive it as the taking of human life. Only 16% of Americans view it as a surgical procedure for removing human tissue.
Which of these statements best describes your feelings about abortion? Abortion is just as bad as killing a person who has already been born, it is a murder. Abortion is murder, but it is not as bad as killing someone who has already been born. Abortion is not murder, but it does involve the taking of human life. Abortion is not murder, it is a surgical procedure for removing human tissue?
University of Virginia, January 1996
Murder, as bad as killing person already born
Murder, not as bad as killing a person already born
Not murder, does involve taking human life
Not murder, is a surgical procedure for removing human tissue
No opinion
What has lead us to this point that produces such a contradictory response, not only from the general public, but from the same person?
We believe that there are actually a couple of different things going on here.
How can that be? What has caused Americans to have such contradicting opinions
In each annual report, Planned Parenthood publishes yearly totals for a variety of categories, from contraception clients to cancer screening and prevention services. These data points are revealing as a single-year snapshot—but they are even more revealing when placed in context of previous years.
The number of Planned Parenthood’s contraception clients decreased almost every year of Cecile Richards’ tenure, and dramatically so in the past five years.
Starting in 2008, Planned Parenthood began providing a more specific breakdown of the methods of contraception chosen by clients. At that point, a reported 2.9 percent chose an intra-uterine device (IUD). By the 2017–2018 report, 22.1 percent of contraception clients were choosing long-acting methods, such as IUDs and implants. The years 2008 to 2012 saw a steady increase that then became more dramatic in the following years. It is possible that part of the reason Planned Parenthood is serving fewer contraception clients in recent years is associated with the dramatic uptick in the number of
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